Tuesday, May 14, 2013


What makes an "AP" (aka attached parent)? Is this trendy, exclusive club defined by how many of its vast and specific "guide rules" you can keep? Can you consider yourself AP by only following a few?
I have never felt so much love for one person as I have for my daughter. Nine months after her birth and I still tear up from time to time over how happy she makes me feel (Ive always been on the emotional side). I have never questioned my parenting, truthfully, when I brought her home, my natural instincts gave me the most confidence I have ever felt in my whole life. I knew I was born to be a mother.

To explain my opening statement, First, I must share a few facts with you about how I raise my daughter.

- I use disposable diapers and generic (walmart bought) wipes. I enjoy the convenience of them. Eleanor has NEVER had a diaper rash/irritation and I do not believe the chemicals in disposable diapers are harmful.

- I am glad we stopped co-sleeping. For Eleanors first few months of life, she did co-sleep (she still comes in our bed in the morning to snuggle and snooze for a couple hours) BUT, the moment she started sleeping in her own room, I started sleeping better and by her being in her own bed, improved me and Wes' romantic relationship.

- I stopped breastfeeding at three months. This particular statement is difficult for me to admit (i know how judgmental some women are about this subject). But I believe the honesty of one mother will one day help another. When Eleanor was born, both her and I took to breastfeeding very well. I loved providing for her, I loved everything about breastfeeding.  As time went on, and the "new mommy high" faded, complete, 24 hour exhaustion set in. I made the choice to formula feed. From then on out, Eleanor sleeps better and so do I. I am proud to say that Eleanor has NEVER been sick, she has ALWAYS measured in the 90th percentile for height and weight.There you have it. Three honest facts about my parenting that I stand behind and am proud of.

Now, after reading these, most people would agree that I am not "following" AP guidelines. Therefore, my parenting style is a disgrace, Right? In my first statement, I referred to AP as a trend. It is one trend, that I have noticed, spreading like wildfire. Everyone claims the title, moms are degrading other moms for bottle fed, disposable diapered babies. Ive seen so many people be so critical. Why are these women belittling eachother when part of being a mother is helping support one another? What gives one mom the right to call another mom "unattached"?
"Attachment parenting has nothing to do with circumcision or vaccinations, natural (drug-free) birth or organic foods"

I do not vaccinate. I enjoyed my epidural. I wear my baby. My baby is formula fed. I bathe with my baby. I do not believe in CIO. I use disposable diapers. sometimes I place the carseat in the cart. I read to my baby. I buy my baby organic food. I AM AN ATTACHED PARENT!!!

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