Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Wes and I never have enjoyed waking up early. We both have been (Wes still is) bartenders. He gets home from work a little after 3am and I usually head to be at 1am. In the mornings we lounge in bed and wake up at ten or eleven (at the latest).
I was prepared for early mornings with Eleanor. I was willing to give up my oh so loved routine for love!
BUT, I didnt have to give up my sleep!
This is what worked for our family...
I have always let Eleanor choose when she wants to sleep. I let her adapt to our routine at her own pace. We do, however, have a semi strict "calm down hour" where I slowly start introducing her to the idea of bed. This starts at 10pm. I turn off every light except for one small, dim one. We turn soft music on or I turn the TV down low. I feed her and we sit in the same place, with the same blanket in the same position EVERY NIGHT. I rub her little legs and feet and snuggle the blanket on her face. This lasts about twenty minutes and 90% of the time she is fast asleep by 10:30. IF she chooses to be awake, I keep with our routine of low lights and music and we play, read or bounce on our Yoga ball until she falls asleep.
We co-slept (her in our bed) for the first three months. I was prepared for it to be a permanent thing for atleast one year, I love having my baby close to me. Oddly enough, I felt that Eleanor had decided she was ready and wanting to be in her own bed. Her room is located directly across from ours. So, I positioned our beds in view of eachother. From then on out, she has slept peacefully in her room.
Twice a night, Eleanor needs the binkey popped back in her mouth and a pat on the buns but never has woken up and decided to stay awake. She sleeps every night for 10-12 hours.
Every morning, I bring her to our bed for a snuggle and we stay there, lounging for about half an hour.
She has become one of us.

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